Exam preparation / Grades
Currently at Siobhan Victorias we offer graded exams in Cheerleading , Street, Musical Theatre and Freestyle. All of these exams are with the IDTA. Pupils spend up to six months working towards their grades and when we feel happy with the pupils development we enter the school for an examination session. Siobhan Victoria’s School of Dance and Drama currently holds examinations with the IDTA (International Dance Teachers Association. We aim to do two exam sessions a year and this is only open to those students who attend classes on a Saturday.
The exams vary in price and ability and can count towards points for University. Examinations in dance also show great skills within pupils CV when they are older, doing extracurricular qualifications can make pupils stand out from the rest. The content of the exam may vary depending on the grade or level of the exam, some exams last 20 minutes others can last longer than an hour.